Artist Snapshot: Bernardo Duran, Jr

Origin Story: I'm a Mexican born in the United States, East Los Angeles to be exact (the real one, not the assumed one with all the coffee shops). Holder of ironic academic degrees because I'm broke (MBA) and haven't made my first feature yet (MFA).

Pipeline Accolades: Film Pipeline Short Script Winner; Script Pipeline Recommend (Trokita)

Accolades: WeScreenplay Diverse Voices Finalist

On Being an Artist: When you start writing, your first instinct is to want to write for other people—but you quickly learn that it's not always sustainable to do so. And after years of rejection and soul-crushing introspection, you realize you only really need to write for yourself and hope someone out there aligns with you creatively. And pays you for it.

Fueled by: The many voices and identities of people from my community.

Currently: I am working on a large franchise film as the Assistant to the Director.

Someday: I'll be a triple threat. Writer. Producer. Director.

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*Feature Photo: Bernardo Duran Jr. / photo by Ruben Contreras