Artist Snapshot: Lizz Marshall

Origin Story: I grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, where I attended a performing arts middle and high school (I also write and play music). I studied film and television production at Scottsdale Community College, then transferred to the University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts to complete my education. I graduated with a B.A. in 2018.

Pipeline Accolades: Film Pipeline Short Film Runner-up (What Daphne Saw)

Accolades: I was the inaugural recipient of the Stephanie Rothman Fellowship for Women Student Genre Filmmakers for my short script, What Daphne Saw, at Etheria Film Night in 2018. I directed and edited the short film What Daphne Saw, which earned an audience award at the National Film Festival for Talented Youth (NFFTY) in 2019, and Best Actor in a Short and Best Score in a Short at the Horrible Imaginings genre film festival in 2019.

On Being an Artist: It can be cathartic to explore a feeling through writing and filmmaking. It can also feel lonely at times when not everyone understands or likes your material because we often put ourselves on the page. It's okay if your creative flavor isn't for everyone, as long as you're telling your own truth—there is an audience that will respond to a genuine, well-told story.  

Fueled by: The desire to make the type of stories (and future) that I want to see. I am drawn to thriller, sci-fi, and horror because I believe these genres provide a creative vehicle for examining difficult subjects and encourage us to question our own world.

Currently: Editing videos to pay the bills and occasionally directing music videos as well.

Someday: I will make a living solely doing what I love: writing and directing.

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*Feature Photo: Lizz Marshall / photo by Laurence Kelley