Bob Saenz

Bob Saenz is a produced screenwriter with a dozen plus films, author of a popular screenwriting book, producer, & actor with numerous credits. He speaks at film fests & writers conferences nationwide.

Beating Back Fear

Beating Back Fear

Is it fear that I can’t do it anymore? That I overpromise results and then freeze in fear that I can’t fulfill that promise?

# Read # The Creative Mind
5 min read

Being Your Hardest Critic

Being Your Hardest Critic

OK isn’t good enough for me and shouldn’t be for you either. The idea is to send out your best work, and YOU need to be hard enough on yourself to be the ultimate judge of that.

# Read # The Creative Mind # The Business of Art
5 min read

Respect Yourself

Respect Yourself

And there I was in the fancy office of a multi-million-dollar production house where I acted like a 10-year-old schoolboy sent to the principal’s office.

# Read # The Creative Mind # The Business of Art
4 min read

From Screenwriter to Novelist ... in 25 Years

From Screenwriter to Novelist ... in 25 Years

Can you imagine how hard it was for me to write prose? You can’t. Because it was harder than you imagined. I had to learn to write again.

# Read # Crossover
5 min read

Failing Forward

Failing Forward

It’s endless. And constant. You hear "No" way more than "Yes."

# Read # The Creative Mind # The Business of Art
5 min read

Just Say No

Just Say No

I spent weeks, each time making all these changes in the desperate hope that one of these “artists” he was pitching it to would buy it.

# Read # The Business of Art
5 min read
Click here for our recommended reading list.

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