The Lessons in Best Screenplays
It might be the most clichéd of statements, but “if it’s not on the page, it’s not on the stage.”
Why Wicked Works
Where Chu was truly brilliant as a director was in his innate understanding of the intimacy of film.
Rip Off the Plot Armor
What happens if you protect your characters from anything bad that could ever happen to them?
How I Prepared to Write My First Novel
The tough part when starting out is figuring out what kind of preparation will turn into luck when the right opportunity comes along.
A Workshop on Emotion
Emotion is what makes stories memorable. It's the special sauce that makes viewers come back again and again.
Your Voice is Non-Negotiable
He has a style all his own, one that captivates and entertains readers all across the world. No one else writes like he does ...
The 2024 Script Pipeline Finalists: What They All Had in Common
... if you've got an idea that you want to tackle but it feels like it's just "too insane" to pull off ... you might want to rethink that.
Everything Else Has Come Back, Why Not the Variety Show?
I’d bet on a variety show starring Taylor Swift versus sinking $200 million into another superhero saga any day of the week.
I Watched Forrest Gump with My Mom
I’m willing to bet that if all of you made your heroes more like Forrest Gump, your scripts would be much better for it.
The 5 Notes I Always Give
So many of you seem to be making the exact same mistakes with your writing. And from my vantage point, they're all easily fixable.
Looking for New Stakes? Shame on You
Shame is, in many ways, like that gun being held on a crowd. Everyone can relate.
How to Write Better Comedy. Seriously.
Shows trying to tickle our funny bones have become so prolific that we have started to collectively yawn—it takes a lot more to stand out.
How Clothes Can Make the Man (or Woman) in Your Script
Indeed, clothes not only make the man (or woman), but they can tell us so much about a character the second they appear on screen.
How to Find a High-Concept Story Idea that Sells
First of all, let’s get clear on what ‘high-concept’ means.
This is How I Fangirl: I Wrote a Novel
But the way I see it, all fiction originates as fan fic in one way or another.