Being Your Hardest Critic

OK isn’t good enough for me and shouldn’t be for you either. The idea is to send out your best work, and YOU need to be hard enough on yourself to be the ultimate judge of that.
The Creative Partnership That Saved Our Marriage

Every decision we had to make for our own careers became a fight, and every fight became a huge question of whether we were going in the same direction.
This is How I Fangirl: I Wrote a Novel

But the way I see it, all fiction originates as fan fic in one way or another.
Why Creative Pursuits are Worthy Work

... if we’re not doing the thing that makes us tick, are we really living to our potential and sending the right message to those that might be watching and emulating?
Respect Yourself

And there I was in the fancy office of a multi-million-dollar production house where I acted like a 10-year-old schoolboy sent to the principal’s office.
How to Know When It's Time to Quit, Part 2

The more pressure you put on yourself, the less likely you are to write. Instead of setting huge daily/weekly goals, set goals that you can easily accomplish.
Brown Paper Bag

Not wanting to turn into a bitter (or incarcerated) adult, and also a seasoned aficionado of sugar, I suffered DEEPLY from bag envy.
How to Know When It's Time to Quit, Part 1

You have to actually write a book to get better at writing books.
Get Back on the Mat Anyway, Part 2

Stop focusing on all the things you haven't done, and start focusing on the things you have.
Tales from a NaNoWriMo Novice, Part 2

How do you trick yourself into believing that you can still do it? That you should keep going even if you know deep down in your soul you’re not going to “win” anymore?
Form Follows Function and Other Lessons My Mother Keeps Teaching Me

We argue because our art form, screenwriting, is different from so many other types of writing. In screenwriting, form literally follows function.
Tales From a NaNoWriMo Novice, Part 1

Say no to life more. This is not the month to live, it’s the month to write.
Shout and Murmur!

Oh, how differently this "Thank you" reads from the one earlier—how bitter, how nostalgic. And truly, who can’t feel the dejection in that pitiful send-off "best of luck"?
Literally Write What You Know (Figuratively)

That’s what “write what you know” really means. It means you should take a feeling, or a unique experience you’ve lived through—something that is quintessentially you—and put it on the page.