A Few Things Coaching Baseball Taught Me About Writing
Don’t worry about being good enough. You are good enough. Just do that thing. Then do it again even better next time.
Just Try Not to Die
“'Just try not to die' is my standard advice for anyone helming a first feature. I nearly did, and I wouldn't recommend it."
Don't Mind Me - Mindfulness and Unmindful Characters
If we reflect back on what we’ve done in the past and how we’ve overcome it, facing the same challenge in the future will be just that much easier.
Shame to Superpower
The danger of the shame I felt is that it caused a paralysis that hindered me from forward motion in every aspect of my life, not just writing.
Everyone Thinks They're a Hack
There’s not a single writer I know worth their professional bona fides who doesn’t get regular visits from The Dream Police. And no. It’s not because we’re snowflake whack-jobs wrecked in a constant state of low self-esteem.
Bedtime Stories and Beyond: How Imagination Plays a Part in Family Duo
I still find it baffling when I get into a heated discussion over a plot point or dialogue with my child.
Learning How to Bleed, or How Hemingway Tricked Us All into Living a BDSM Nightmare
Am I the only one who finds it a wee bit unhealthy we are expected to lay bare our most intimate struggles just to force a bunch of strangers to feel something?
How Not to Go Insane as an Artist
As the screenwriter, as an artist in general, all I’ve come to do is trust the process. Trust that if I’m incredibly efficient, if I display range and depth ... this will win out in the end.
The Power of Procrastination
Procrastination. The scoundrel’s got a rather sullied rep, wouldn’t you agree? His very name is synonymous in most minds with laziness and lethargy.
It's Only Pretend: A Long, Maybe Overly Personal Anecdote About Being a Writer
But love does leave a mark. It makes a trail. You can follow it and revisit it, whenever you need it, and it will light a path leading you to your true voice.
Fail Better: What Samuel Beckett Can Teach Us About Quitting
He was never quite able to pin the magnificent, ethereal creature inside his head to paper, and that fact consumed him.
Homework 4evr
Here’s your homework: get to thinking. And seeing. And separating you from yourself so the two can finally meet.
"I Found My Voice While Fighting to Breathe"
When we’re on the brink of losing it all, we find out who we really are and what we’re made of.