Artist Snapshot: Alice Airoldi

There is also an unhealthy obsession with "natural talent," making it somehow more meaningful than hard work, and this has never sat well with me.
Making Words Sing: A Conversation with Writer/Director Garth Jennings

"That moment has got to feel like the greatest moment of this guy's life, you know, like we're behind him and not in front of him."
The iPhone Movie Myth

If the film industry was a meritocracy based solely on effort, or finding a way to make something great with limited budgets, Hollywood would look very, very different. But it doesn’t.
Surveying the Limitations of Rebooted Franchises

By sanding off the edges, these new versions wholly sacrificed most of the fun and audacity that made the originals so popular in the first place.
"The Death Dealer" Origin Story

When the editors had a story idea that could get a journalist maimed or killed, I was among the first scribes they’d reach out to.
On Cherishing Solitude

As my heart continued to drum, my mind slowly went to a place where I became uncomfortable in my skin.
A Journey of Playing the Numbers: Finding a Home for Your Fiction Manuscript

A way to play the numbers game that is publishing in a confined amount of time knowing that you gave the best options your best shot.
10 Minutes in the Woods

I marched in a direction of which I knew not, filling me with a positivity that was only matched by its notorious bedfellow, negativity.
Comic Jackie Kashian Has Some Answers

Remember, I’m a comic. I don’t have all the answers, but I will always have an opinion.
You've Got to Earn It

Does the benefit of moving the cathartic moment up, hooking the audience, outweigh the emotion that will come if you steel your nerves and wait?
When is It OK to Work for Free?

But you need to be careful, set clear boundaries, and have an ironclad goal in mind for when to turn the tap off and send a bill.
Objective Delusionalism

It’s the secret. The oxymoronic mindset it takes to achieve in any pursuit in which the rewards are many and the opportunities few.
From Farthest to Nearest: Writing Hitchcock Style

The classics are classics for a reason, and they’re always there to lean on to learn new techniques hidden in their brilliance.
The Road to Publication

As a debut author, I didn’t know what to expect. Hopefully my road leading to publication will help readers who are on a similar journey, or who will be soon.