Tales from a NaNoWriMo Novice, Part 2

How do you trick yourself into believing that you can still do it? That you should keep going even if you know deep down in your soul you’re not going to “win” anymore?
The Life, Death, and Rebirth of Film Projection

As it is said, film is the rare art form that the artist cannot afford the canvas on which to paint. Digital filmmaking has changed that.
Form Follows Function and Other Lessons My Mother Keeps Teaching Me

We argue because our art form, screenwriting, is different from so many other types of writing. In screenwriting, form literally follows function.
Want to Tell Better Stories? Watch Foreign Films

Foreign films generally assume the audience is savvier, capable of putting two and two together without having to shove things down their throat.
Birth/Rebirth: A Profile of Writer-Director Mx. Laura Moss

Consistently writing and producing your own work is the only thing you can control.
Tales From a NaNoWriMo Novice, Part 1

Say no to life more. This is not the month to live, it’s the month to write.
Below the Line: Script Supervisor Stacy Rowe

"You’ll find that so many people are willing to help you if you work hard and tell people what you want. We all had to start somewhere. You just need the confidence to speak up and make it happen."
Q&A: Formatting Series - Descriptions Should Reflect Genre

I still remember a psychological horror script I read 10 years ago because the scenes were so immersive and—yes—scared the shit out of me.
The Queue: 365 Movies I Never Saw Because I've Spent Too Much Time on Twitter - Part X (October 2023)

The real horror is having unannounced houseguests.
The Story of the Super Arm

There is no fear more primal than that of being hunted. It’s primitive, awesome in its simplicity. The sum of your existence condensed into a binary of contingencies.
Fix Your Script First

When somebody finally gives you a chance and decides to read what you’ve got, it’s up to your writing to keep them engaged—not you.
Can "Cancel Culture" Be Kicked to the Curb?

Such decisions may get called out, but they are still artistic decisions and that’s where much of the slippery slope of Cancel Culture starts to poison all the water.
Q&A: Filmmaker Wendi Tang

... as I was suffocating in my dream, I saw a goldfish land in my palm. And then I woke up.