30 Under 30 Under 30

It was horrifying and beautiful and in that split second, I learned something about myself. And isn’t that why we go to the movies?
The Queue: 366 Movies I Haven’t Seen Because I’ve Been Busy Doing Other Things—Part I (January 2024)

No joke, I think this has the most cigarettes I’ve ever seen in a movie.
A New Documentary Shows The Most Vulnerable Victims Of War: Animals

Only after he was on the other side filming at a particular angle, he saw the thin thread he somehow missed that would have set off explosives.
The Queue: 365 Movies I Never Saw Because I've Spent Too Much Time on Twitter - Part XII (December 2023)

Look, I know she's dead, but I have a new crush on Joan Fontaine ...
The Queue: 365 Movies I Never Saw Because I've Spent Too Much Time on Twitter - Part X (October 2023)

The real horror is having unannounced houseguests.
Off the Beaten Path: A Week at Fantastic Fest

Throughout the fest, a crew of dedicated movie nerds make each and every screening an experience unto itself.
The Queue: 365 Movies I Never Saw Because I've Spent Too Much Time on Twitter - Part IX (September 2023)

Rachel Sennott is palpably talented and an undisputed future star of our generation.
The Queue: 365 Movies I Never Saw Because I've Spent Too Much Time on Twitter - Part VIII (August 2023)

A timeless cautionary tale of universities placing undue significance on football, our infatuation with popularity, and callous racism, inevitably leading to guerilla warfare by rebels.
The Queue: 365 Movies I Never Saw Because I've Spent Too Much Time on Twitter - Part VII (July 2023)

As the movie goes on, Pacino grows more and more facial hair until it envelops him, and he suffocates to death.
Film's Best Franchise? Star Wars? Nope, It's Mission: Impossible

It’s not CGI. We buy it because seeing is believing.
The Queue: 365 Movies I Never Saw Because I've Spent Too Much Time on Twitter - Part VI (June 2023)

By the end, it felt like I had an affair with Glenn Close.
The Queue: 365 Movies I Never Saw Because I've Spent Too Much Time on Twitter - Part V (May 2023)

… like John Waters, Amy Heckerling, and 2023 had a baby.
The Queue: 365 Movies I Never Saw Because I've Spent Too Much Time on Twitter - Part 4 (April 2023)

I'm still convinced this doesn't actually exist and was a nightmare I had after watching too many movies set in New York.