All-American Asian: Finding My Place in Hollywood's Identity Politics

In recent years, as studios scramble to make up for decades of exclusion, I’ve witnessed a troubling trend: diversity has become a commodity, something to acquire and display rather than a reality to embrace.
Working Smarter Not Harder in Your Author Business

Numbers and processes matter and understanding why and how they matter and how to work with each is fundamental to working smarter not harder.
I Can't Handle the Truth: How and Why Movies Gave Way to Memes

Are we being noted to death by fear-stricken development execs who are too timid to put something up on screens that swings for the fences ... ?
Writing Film Music with Composer Andrew Hewitt

Andrew Hewitt shares the emotional nature of film scoring, his process with directors, and what he wishes other creatives understood about composition.
The Year Work Stopped

If merely one soul had to suffer the indignity that the collection of out-of-work writers below suffered, there might be no chance of recovery.
Artist Marina Billinghurst on Authoring Her First Book

... you never know who’s going to be inspired by the art that you create. The art you create, creates art.
Below the Line: Editor and Actor Max Goldblatt

Those are the victories as an editor, when you get away with something that an audience would never suspect.
To avoid discrimination in Hollywood, I had a secret baby. It didn’t work. Here’s what did …

What had suddenly seemed like the perfect way to not ruin my career made me now feel insane. I had to find a way out.
10 Reasons People Don't Go to the Movies (Looking at You, AMC)

AMC, like it or not, stands as the poster child for all the tin-eared thinking that movie theaters are putting out these days ...
Generals: Dating in the Industry

... now you have to meet this person—and not just meet them, but impress them so much that they’ll want to give you work now or in the future.
Below the Line: Camera & Steadicam Operator, Rochelle T.A. Brown

I’m not impatient when there is no need to be impatient. It helps me to have more realistic expectations.
Everything Else Has Come Back, Why Not the Variety Show?
I’d bet on a variety show starring Taylor Swift versus sinking $200 million into another superhero saga any day of the week.
Q&A: When Are You Ready to Get Your Work Out There?

How does one not only determine when a project is ready for circulation but also when YOU ready to step out into the chaos that is the film & TV industry?
What Happens When Your Reps Leave the Industry?

... that amazing rep you have? They’re out. It’s not you, it’s them. What now?