The Life, Death, and Rebirth of Film Projection

As it is said, film is the rare art form that the artist cannot afford the canvas on which to paint. Digital filmmaking has changed that.
Below the Line: Script Supervisor Stacy Rowe

"You’ll find that so many people are willing to help you if you work hard and tell people what you want. We all had to start somewhere. You just need the confidence to speak up and make it happen."
Fix Your Script First

When somebody finally gives you a chance and decides to read what you’ve got, it’s up to your writing to keep them engaged—not you.
Find the Right Reader

The point is—you will never find anything where everyone agrees. It's literally impossible. And Hollywood is no different.
Whatever Happened to the Political Thriller?

But since 2012, there have been precious few political thrillers popping up on the big screen. Why? It’s not like there aren’t stories ripe for the picking ...
Below the Line: Location Assistant Melanie Roddy

If anybody ever reads about our business, I hope people take away that quality of life is the most important. You make enough to live and you get with good people. That's the important shit.
15 Types of Income to Create or Refine a Part-Time or Full-Time Author Business Model That Works for You

All authors can create holistic, rewarding cottage industries, sidelines, part-time or full-time businesses around their book/s, their knowledge, their experiences, and their author status.
Hollywood Creatives Fundraising for Strike Funds: Where to Find Help if You Need It

Hot Labor Summer is all too real, so Hollywood's creatives are finding some, well, creative ways to raise money for strike funds.
Below the Line: On-Set Photographer Alison Cohen Rosa

"I would pinch myself sometimes on set, going, 'I'm so fucking lucky to be in this room.' Like, I get goosebumps. I am so lucky."
Joe Straynge is Dead

I was creating something so this skin could move through the world like a phantom. Something that would protect me as I hid beneath the surface of whatever I’ve become.
Could an A.I.-Generated Cary Grant Win an Oscar?

The debate won’t focus on what we allow A.I. to do, but rather, how much we allow it to do.
Dollars and Sense

Shut up and do as you’re told because there’s a line of folks back there hungry to stab you and take your place.
Do You Read the Whole Thing?

Every single script I recommended my bosses read officially had my stamp of approval on it. And how bad do you think it would make me look if I wasted some of their precious time with a mediocre piece of material?
A Simple Guide to Writing the Dreaded Synopsis

It’s also important to not forget about the voice and tone of the story when creating your synopsis.