Hazy Verses and the Surrealism of Growing Up

Even when no one else in my life would lend me an ear, the page was always there for me.
Disability Representation On Stage and On Screen with Rachel Handler

... every day something comes up that we have to adapt to—the same way that on film sets, something comes up, and you’ve got to adapt or change the plan.
New Year's Resolutions for Writers

... forget those typical resolutions like reading more classic literature or losing weight this year. You’re a screenwriter. Your job is Sitting, Typing, and Looking at the Screen.
This Winter Will Be Different

The juggle of Must Do’s and the Want-To-Do’s is a constant battle for any artist. Especially when the art you’re creating isn’t exactly paying the bills.
What to Watch When Your Heart is Broken

... it’s important to consider what we mentally need when our hearts are broken.
Writing Season: Use the End of the Year to Hit the Finish Line

Oh no. We have to write during the holidays, don’t we? Cue the angry stares and pitchforks from the murderous writing mob.
Y.A. Kafka: Finding Agency in Childhood Trauma Narratives

... our culture’s childhood trauma stories are not private anomalies but common societal failures that implicate all of us.
To avoid discrimination in Hollywood, I had a secret baby. It didn’t work. Here’s what did …

What had suddenly seemed like the perfect way to not ruin my career made me now feel insane. I had to find a way out.
The Exodus

Consider this my Emergency Service Announcement for Writers. Take it, leave it, or tell me to piss off, but someone needs to say it.
The Aqua Doors of Summer

Within this little port I’ve found moments of being that I haven’t found elsewhere.
Survival Check: Beating Burnout

Everything I loved about the process evaporated, replaced by bone-aching exhaustion that induced a mixture of nausea and the constant threat of tears.
Beating Back Fear

Is it fear that I can’t do it anymore? That I overpromise results and then freeze in fear that I can’t fulfill that promise?
The Right to Write

As a writer, though, I am troubled by this trend of telling people what they can and can’t write.
Wisdom of a Black Belt

I learned something that day. Genuinely. And it's a lesson I want you all to apply to your writing, too.