The Right to Write

As a writer, though, I am troubled by this trend of telling people what they can and can’t write.
The Multi-Hyphenate Opportunity: An Interview with Graham Reznick

... you need to discover new ways of telling stories, try out new and different kinds of writing, go out on a limb and try something crazy in a discipline you’ve never done before.
'Undeniable' North Star: An Interview with P.J. Palmer

... don’t write what scares you, write what will change your life. And I took that as meaning: be vulnerable, tell your truth, even if it alters how people see you.
How Clothes Can Make the Man (or Woman) in Your Script

Indeed, clothes not only make the man (or woman), but they can tell us so much about a character the second they appear on screen.
Running a Crowdfunding Campaign: An Interview with Liz Manashil

It’s scary, it’s dramatic, and it puts a lot of pressure on a campaign, but it also incentivizes people in a different way because they know you’ll lose everything.
30 Under 30 Under 30

It was horrifying and beautiful and in that split second, I learned something about myself. And isn’t that why we go to the movies?
Lights, Camera, TikTok!

Look, you’re probably on your cellphone constantly anyway, so maybe it’s time to make more out of your time there.
How to Find a High-Concept Story Idea that Sells

First of all, let’s get clear on what ‘high-concept’ means.
Wisdom of a Black Belt

I learned something that day. Genuinely. And it's a lesson I want you all to apply to your writing, too.
An Interview with Writers Nilanjana Bose and Jakub Ciupinski
“How do you guys write together and stay married?” ... the only arguments we have in our marriage are about the motivations of our character.
Are Studio Heads Nuts?

Look, I understand that it’s called show business, not show art, but still, where is the show part in so many of these tin-eared studio exec’s equations?
Being Your Hardest Critic

OK isn’t good enough for me and shouldn’t be for you either. The idea is to send out your best work, and YOU need to be hard enough on yourself to be the ultimate judge of that.
Authors, Do You Resist the Idea of Being a Brand or Having a Brand for Your Books?

What do you, as an author, promise your readers and customers? What are you promising a fan every time they pick up one of your books?
The Creative Partnership That Saved Our Marriage

Every decision we had to make for our own careers became a fight, and every fight became a huge question of whether we were going in the same direction.