Find the Right Reader

The point is—you will never find anything where everyone agrees. It's literally impossible. And Hollywood is no different.
Acting Exercises Writers Can Use to Flesh Out Their Characters

If you consider creating and developing characters to be your writing Achilles' heel, you've come to the right place.
Off the Beaten Path: A Week at Fantastic Fest

Throughout the fest, a crew of dedicated movie nerds make each and every screening an experience unto itself.
Shout and Murmur!

Oh, how differently this "Thank you" reads from the one earlier—how bitter, how nostalgic. And truly, who can’t feel the dejection in that pitiful send-off "best of luck"?
The Queue: 365 Movies I Never Saw Because I've Spent Too Much Time on Twitter - Part IX (September 2023)

Rachel Sennott is palpably talented and an undisputed future star of our generation.
Whatever Happened to the Political Thriller?

But since 2012, there have been precious few political thrillers popping up on the big screen. Why? It’s not like there aren’t stories ripe for the picking ...
More Rambling Conversations with Multi-Hyphenate Dan Mirvish: HBO, a Fictional Pundit, and Advice All Artists Need

Film is like a tree in the forest. If nobody sees it, it doesn't really exist.
A Rambling Conversation with Dan Mirvish: Co-Founder of Slamdance, Award-Winning Filmmaker, Indie Darling, Bestselling Author, and Trendsetter

I wrote new scenes, and I acted in the film. I got shot in the chest twice, and survived both times, miraculously. So, I really saw how to make a movie.
Below the Line: Location Assistant Melanie Roddy

If anybody ever reads about our business, I hope people take away that quality of life is the most important. You make enough to live and you get with good people. That's the important shit.
Literally Write What You Know (Figuratively)

That’s what “write what you know” really means. It means you should take a feeling, or a unique experience you’ve lived through—something that is quintessentially you—and put it on the page.
15 Types of Income to Create or Refine a Part-Time or Full-Time Author Business Model That Works for You

All authors can create holistic, rewarding cottage industries, sidelines, part-time or full-time businesses around their book/s, their knowledge, their experiences, and their author status.
Hollywood Creatives Fundraising for Strike Funds: Where to Find Help if You Need It

Hot Labor Summer is all too real, so Hollywood's creatives are finding some, well, creative ways to raise money for strike funds.
The Queue: 365 Movies I Never Saw Because I've Spent Too Much Time on Twitter - Part VIII (August 2023)

A timeless cautionary tale of universities placing undue significance on football, our infatuation with popularity, and callous racism, inevitably leading to guerilla warfare by rebels.
Editing Advice From a Dyslexic, Independent, and Dysfunctional Self-Publishing Author

... you're sure the editor hates your words, your soul, your children, and even your dogs. Revel in this misery. It's why you became a pen monkey.