Q&A: When Are You Ready to Get Your Work Out There?

How does one not only determine when a project is ready for circulation but also when YOU ready to step out into the chaos that is the film & TV industry?
Q&A: How Do I Get a Lit Agent or Manager?

Yes, this is that article. The one that dives straight into the mystery that plagues all writers at some point on their creative journey ...
Q&A: Formatting Series - Descriptions Should Reflect Genre

I still remember a psychological horror script I read 10 years ago because the scenes were so immersive and—yes—scared the shit out of me.
Q&A: Formatting Series - Can I Use Artwork in My Script?

Perhaps the scope of the project is so compelling, it might feel like a disservice not to attempt concept art. But … a script is not a mood board.
Q&A: My 1-Year Crash Course in the Publishing Industry

Creating art is all about pushing boundaries and creators must push those same boundaries within themselves in order to be a conduit for that art.
Q&A: Formatting Series—Multi-Functional Monologues

An expertly crafted monologue can absolutely be an asset in your narrative toolbox, you just need to know how to wield it.
Q&A: Do Not Neglect the Use of SOUNDS

If the backdoor suddenly SQUEAKS open and our protagonist turns around, but no one is there …
Q&A: I Wrote a Screenplay ... Now What?

I’m excited for you, believe me, but hold up a second here and let’s have a little talk.
Q&A: Do I Have to Live in L.A.?

There’s an energy to riffing off other writers and navigating a narrative together that has the potential to produce something great.
Q&A: What is a Strong Portfolio of Work?

You want your portfolio to be a good demonstration of your skills and overall brand as a creator.
Q&A: What Genre / Trend is Most Popular Right Now?

As a screenwriter, sometimes we tend to think we have to write "to the market," or follow the current trends, but if you try and chase a trend, you're already behind.
One Night with Kemp Powers...

"I just want to put stuff out there that reminds people how we are not only interconnected, but we're codependent. And we won't accept that, like we actually kind of all need each other." - Kemp Powers
Piece by Piece: Dan Pearlman on How "Flatbush Misdemeanors" Landed at Showtime

“All we really have is what we make and put out. And that’s the only stuff I enjoy doing.”
Q&A: Fundamental Principles of Story Setups and Payoffs

One of the most vital yet least discussed aspects of effective storytelling is the ability to execute potent setups and payoffs.