Someone Stole My Script! (Maybe)
... there is a lot of misunderstanding about what it means to “steal” a screenplay—i.e., what constitutes copyright infringement.
Artist Snapshot: Nick McMurdy
If art illuminates the human experience, then my goal is to create work that helps people appreciate all the similarities that we often overlook. Plus, I just love weird shit.
Nepo-Baby or Nepo-Victim?
But here’s a trigger warning—nepotism is even more pervasive than you think. Nepotism is everywhere.
The Explainer
But what, to be crass, of art?! What of our ability to grieve, engage, and change at a point in time where we need to collectively practice all three?
Let the Bad Times Roll
... there is nothing more cruel than spending an eternity subjected to never-ending positivity.
The Impact of Arts and Minds, the Bilingual Art Program Dedicated to People Living With Dementia and Their Carers
Arts and Minds provides an opportunity for genuine connection, unapologetic self-expression, and reflection.
Where is the Love?
The worst of mankind is more sellable to the American public than the best, it would seem, so anyone attempting to tell a tale of romance is up against a burgeoning trend of nastiness.
Not Based on True Events: Historical Inaccuracy in Hollywood
Hollywood exists for entertainment, and this often means facts get fudged in the name of keeping the crowd interested.
Get Back in the Room
For some, the crisis is over, and for others, it is not. Therefore, Zoom, if you must. But know that you’re doing so at your own professional peril.
The Fear That Freedom Can Bring
My mentality was "I’m a fucking great writer," though I had no proof of that. That was my first mistake.
Synesthesia: The Strangely Normal Way of Seeing the World
Francesca Brigandy’s synesthesia allows her to visualize sounds as colors when listening to music, giving her a unique polychrome perspective.
NEVER, EVER DO THIS: Gentle Advice for Eager Writers (Part 3)
Five more tips on how to not annoy your reader shall be yours. But listen well, because I'm only going to say this once ...
Something Writers Can Look Forward To ... No One Knows Anything
Nothing is certain, so why not take the risk and be as bold or unusual or as personal as we want to be in whatever we are creating?