Interview: Bobby Curnow on His Journey from Intern to IDW Editor-in-Chief

As he puts it, “a confidence with your own weirdness” is what sets work apart in a world overflowing with content.
Filming a Proof of Concept Short: An Interview with Writer/Director/Producer/Actor Angela Cohen

... the most effective use of the funds was to throw away the hope of making this really big thing in a small way and trust that if I captured the tone, world, and characters, that would be enough.
This Winter Will Be Different

The juggle of Must Do’s and the Want-To-Do’s is a constant battle for any artist. Especially when the art you’re creating isn’t exactly paying the bills.
What to Watch When Your Heart is Broken

... it’s important to consider what we mentally need when our hearts are broken.
Artist Marina Billinghurst on Authoring Her First Book

... you never know who’s going to be inspired by the art that you create. The art you create, creates art.
Why Wicked Works
Where Chu was truly brilliant as a director was in his innate understanding of the intimacy of film.
Writing Season: Use the End of the Year to Hit the Finish Line

Oh no. We have to write during the holidays, don’t we? Cue the angry stares and pitchforks from the murderous writing mob.
Below the Line: Editor and Actor Max Goldblatt

Those are the victories as an editor, when you get away with something that an audience would never suspect.
Y.A. Kafka: Finding Agency in Childhood Trauma Narratives

... our culture’s childhood trauma stories are not private anomalies but common societal failures that implicate all of us.
To avoid discrimination in Hollywood, I had a secret baby. It didn’t work. Here’s what did …

What had suddenly seemed like the perfect way to not ruin my career made me now feel insane. I had to find a way out.
The Exodus

Consider this my Emergency Service Announcement for Writers. Take it, leave it, or tell me to piss off, but someone needs to say it.
Rip Off the Plot Armor

What happens if you protect your characters from anything bad that could ever happen to them?
How I Prepared to Write My First Novel

The tough part when starting out is figuring out what kind of preparation will turn into luck when the right opportunity comes along.
10 Reasons People Don't Go to the Movies (Looking at You, AMC)

AMC, like it or not, stands as the poster child for all the tin-eared thinking that movie theaters are putting out these days ...
Generals: Dating in the Industry

... now you have to meet this person—and not just meet them, but impress them so much that they’ll want to give you work now or in the future.