The Debate: Structure vs. Voice

When Spike Scarberry threw down the gauntlet, insisting structure was more important than voice, Karin Partin Wells raised her hand to battle in a public debate.
Navigating the Publishing Industry

Writing might be kind of a solitary endeavor, but publishing is very collaborative—it won't be just you anymore.
Imaginary Business Lady

The Business Lady pressed her on what her favorite shows and toys were and proceeded to tell her the prospects of the corporations behind them.
Designing the Perfect Writer's Group

Both from my pent up decade of jealousy and my own recent increase in writer’s group activity, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about all the variables in creating your ideal creative collective.
Untouched Currents

Survival is tough in this town. Like following a hundred pieces of string that just fall to dust in your hands.
Interview: Melissa Duge Spiers

I really relish just wallowing in the language, the descriptions, making sure everything is as tight and on-point as it can possibly be.
Writing Explosive Dialogue

This is so important to writing good dialogue that it deserves to be on a card on your bulletin board … or at least in caps on its own line.
Author Marketing or Things We Hate to Do

Stand in front of that mirror and ask, “Self, do you want to have a writing career? Are you willing to dare to be vulnerable? To speak positively about yourself and your work?"
Welcome to Hollywood, Part 1

“Be careful of what you wish for,” my dad said, as I popped my first letter to Jerry Bruckheimer in the mail.
The Best Screenplay - "Drive My Car"

It’s a bumpy journey, full of twists and turns that you won’t see coming, but the last thing you should do is stop.
The Chronicle of Cactus Jack: Examining an Indie Film From Inception to Distribution

As “working screenwriters” who’d already at that point grown terminally ill of the bureaucracy surrounding film productions and the industry in general, we vowed to make this maverick film completely outside of the traditional channels and system.
Finding Your Flock: An Interview with the Storks Writer/Director and Cast

John Bucher had a chance to sit down with Stoller and the cast of Storks — Andy Samberg, Kelsey Grammer, and Stephen Kramer Glickman — to talk about the project.
What Makes a Script Great?

It’s as if people sometimes don’t have any idea what they’re doing, and yet they firmly believe that they do.
Single-Year Itch: 365 Days in Writing Exile

I decided to focus on the things I could control rather than treating my career like a blind gamble, because the house always wins.
How to Tell Your Loved Ones You Wrote About Them

You’re telling a fictionalized version of true events, and now comes the awkward part: how to tell the people who may recognize themselves in it.