Tough Choices and Following Your Dreams: Experiencing Siân Heder’s CODA

A significant challenge for many writers can be to center a story within a community that they, themselves, are not a part of. Siân Heder acknowledges the challenge and how she navigated it.
How to Engage More Critically With Work We Love From Faves That are Problematic

More than one thing can be true at once: you can deeply love and appreciate a piece of art, and deeply disagree with its creator or its impact.
Nyx Horror Collective Co-Founders Celebrate Women Writing Horror in 60-Second Bites

"Our philosophy is you can't know the light without first knowing the dark."
Magic vs. Reality

Settle down and focus on the task at hand, which is, as it always should be: Writing the best story you can. Everything to come is not your problem. Not yet, anyway, and not unless you’re lucky.

I absorbed nothing, except her last words as she stepped into their car: “Children are easy to lie to. You’re smarter than most of them.”
A Few Things Coaching Baseball Taught Me About Writing

Don’t worry about being good enough. You are good enough. Just do that thing. Then do it again even better next time.
How Director Nick Hamm Found John DeLorean’s Story in Driven

Nick Hamm's Driven is a fast-paced, comedic crime thriller of a bromance gone wrong between John DeLorean, played by Lee Pace, and Jim Hoffman, played by Jason Sudeikis.
The Making of "The MisEducation of Bindu" - Part 1
It’s funny the power of saying it out loud had: “We’re going to make a feature film.” And the more we said it, the more we dared to take the next baby step. And the next.
Beware the Temptations of Tinsel Town

Arguably, if the work isn’t its own reward, you’ve not chosen your career wisely, no matter what the profession.
Passion: The Ultimate X-Factor

If you’re super entranced with a story, if you can’t wait to get home from your day job and work on it every single day, that’s going to come through in your writing, right?
Having Something to Say - A Look at "9 Days" and the Work of Edson Oda

I learned that if you write something from your heart, even if you think it's ridiculous, someone who reads it or sees it or watches it could be affected by it. Then you both might not feel so alone.
Q&A: What Genre / Trend is Most Popular Right Now?

As a screenwriter, sometimes we tend to think we have to write "to the market," or follow the current trends, but if you try and chase a trend, you're already behind.
Survival Jobs: The Emerging Writer’s Dilemma

I’m no guru, but I can share what I’ve done in hopes that it encourages and enlightens you on how to make money while fostering industry connections until you become a working screenwriter.
How to Be About Your Business as a Creative

All those ideas you have in your head of what you want to do and how you want to accomplish them? Write a plan. A business plan, that is.
To Arc or Not to Arc? That Is the Question...

What we’re usually talking about when we say “character development” is Character Arc—it presupposes that a Character Arc is requisite to a well-rendered character … to which I say: “nay.”