Just Try Not to Die

“'Just try not to die' is my standard advice for anyone helming a first feature. I nearly did, and I wouldn't recommend it."
Women Kicking Ass on Screen: Fierce or All Too Familiar?

For all the talk in Hollywood given to seeking out vital roles for women, the woman warrior has become every bit an egregious cliché as the hooker with a heart of gold was for half a century on film.
The Conflicted Protagonist

While few characters will hold appeal for every audience member, John Bucher shares approaches to flawed characters that decrease the chances of alienating your audience in the process.
Don't Mind Me - Mindfulness and Unmindful Characters

If we reflect back on what we’ve done in the past and how we’ve overcome it, facing the same challenge in the future will be just that much easier.
North to the Future: Mark and Anna Casadei on a New Frontier

"We always tell people to be authentic. That’s one of the biggest things that helped us connect with people ..."
One Night with Kemp Powers...

"I just want to put stuff out there that reminds people how we are not only interconnected, but we're codependent. And we won't accept that, like we actually kind of all need each other." - Kemp Powers
The Nature of Things

I knew your mother, she says and your ancestors all the way back, and she shudders remembering what came before.
What Festival Programmers Want You to Know

Festival directors and programmers are just as passionate and dedicated to films as the filmmakers themselves. But filmmakers primarily regard them as key gatekeepers in the journey of seeking and building an audience.
Shame to Superpower

The danger of the shame I felt is that it caused a paralysis that hindered me from forward motion in every aspect of my life, not just writing.
What Writers Can Learn from Movie Musicals for a Song

If a screenwriter thinks that there’s little to learn from the niche because they’re writing a horror film or a thriller, they’re (ahem) way off-key.
Everyone Thinks They're a Hack

There’s not a single writer I know worth their professional bona fides who doesn’t get regular visits from The Dream Police. And no. It’s not because we’re snowflake whack-jobs wrecked in a constant state of low self-esteem.
How My 'Burn Notice' Podcast Made Me a Better TV Writer

When you take detailed notes on how episodes unfold, you notice the reason you like certain episodes more than others is that things don’t just happen for the sake of things happening.
When We Get It Wrong

The artist’s response to pain is to counteract it with beauty—an urge to affirm life even as we are drowning. Sometimes we make magic. Sometimes we get it wrong.
Aesthetic Choice for Screenwriters

I can’t tell you the number of times I have been told by different teachers that I should keep the direction off the page. That I am just here to write the story. That never made sense to me.
Bedtime Stories and Beyond: How Imagination Plays a Part in Family Duo

I still find it baffling when I get into a heated discussion over a plot point or dialogue with my child.