Q&A: When Are You Ready to Get Your Work Out There?

How does one not only determine when a project is ready for circulation but also when YOU ready to step out into the chaos that is the film & TV industry?
The 5 Notes I Always Give

So many of you seem to be making the exact same mistakes with your writing. And from my vantage point, they're all easily fixable.
Beating Back Fear

Is it fear that I can’t do it anymore? That I overpromise results and then freeze in fear that I can’t fulfill that promise?
What Happens When Your Reps Leave the Industry?

... that amazing rep you have? They’re out. It’s not you, it’s them. What now?
Looking for New Stakes? Shame on You
Shame is, in many ways, like that gun being held on a crowd. Everyone can relate.
Interview: Joanne Sarazen—From Playwright to Screenwriter

... the thing about screenwriting that's interesting is that everybody wants to talk about what you're doing, like, four years after you did it.
Moments of Magic: Writer LaDarrion Williams and the Conjuring of 'Blood at the Root'

It’s great to have big dreams, but we need little dreams along the way ...
How to Write Better Comedy. Seriously.
Shows trying to tickle our funny bones have become so prolific that we have started to collectively yawn—it takes a lot more to stand out.
Full Circle: From Lollapalooza to Lolla—Director Michael John Warren

These ideas haunt me and the only way to get them out is to put them down.
Rent Free

Erika Fukagawa was in full control of our mental substance, our memories, our minds. We had a parasite living in our brains. A serpent running amok in our souls.
The Nuance of War: An Interview with Darren Haruo Rae

This story is bigger than just my grandfather and the 442nd, it is about the 120,000 Americans who were punished simply because of their ethnicity and how each person responded to it.
Q&A: How Do I Get a Lit Agent or Manager?

Yes, this is that article. The one that dives straight into the mystery that plagues all writers at some point on their creative journey ...
Michael Nilon's Elongated Journey to Arcadian

But as I got a little bit older, I wanted to write more. I'd visit sets. I’d watch. I'd think, ‘I could that.’ I saw the evolution of my career.
A 'Different' Feature Debut: An Interview with Michael Felker

... the ultimate advantage you can have is having cool never-before-seen ideas in your movie.