This is How I Fangirl: I Wrote a Novel

But the way I see it, all fiction originates as fan fic in one way or another.
The New Heroes in Movies and TV Shows? Villains.

Getting a fractured audience’s attention is getting harder and harder.
Author & Screenwriter Katharyn Blair—The Burden of Glorious Purpose

“Write something you care about, then find out why afterwards.”
Tinsel Town Tales (from Schlubby Bumpkins*)

The Pipeline staff was beyond supportive in my quest to produce a readable screenplay. They were encouraging but pushed me to produce something worth filming. It took about 50 drafts, but I got there with their help. My screenplay was born!
Below the Line: Makeup Artist Nicki Ledermann

You can be the best makeup artist in the world, but if you don't get along with people and can't read the trailer, the room, the atmosphere, the actor … If you don't have that, then you will never make it in the film business.
Are Awards Shows Ruining Show Business
I’m all for pushing envelopes, but should cringe be a part of awards show comedy?
The Fantastic Two: An Interview with Screenwriters Ian Springer & Jeff Kaplan

... desperation can kick in—you chase “what’s popular” rather than staying true to your creative vision.
The Queue: 366 Movies I Haven’t Seen Because I’ve Been Busy Doing Other Things—Part I (January 2024)

No joke, I think this has the most cigarettes I’ve ever seen in a movie.
Shoot the Moon

... and dammit if I wasn't completely blown away. By the time I turned the final page, I'd quasi fallen in love with the freaking thing.
Why Creative Pursuits are Worthy Work

... if we’re not doing the thing that makes us tick, are we really living to our potential and sending the right message to those that might be watching and emulating?
Raiders of the Lost Art: An Argument for Dialogue-Driven Set Pieces

... well-rendered and delivered dialogue can surprise and turn a story on its head in ways that action scenes only very rarely can ...
The Trials of Post-Production: An Indie Filmmaker’s Dilemma, Part 1

"... we went this far, let's not leave anything unturned."
The Three Things All of 2023’s Best Screenplays Have in Common

It is a shining example of how a film can be distinguished just as much by what its script doesn’t reveal as what it does.
Respect Yourself

And there I was in the fancy office of a multi-million-dollar production house where I acted like a 10-year-old schoolboy sent to the principal’s office.