Friendship and an Accidental Obsession with Jane Austen

Without me even realizing, Emma Thompson had been guiding my ship the moment I put pen to paper. I couldn’t ask for a better teacher.
In Defense of TikTok from an Old Who's Never Had One

When I asked why novels and not screenplays, I was met with, “We’re only looking for existing IPs that have a built-in fan base. We don’t want to take the risk on an original idea.”
The Glossary of Jargon I Wish I'd Known Before I Started Querying

If I had taken the time to ask, or even search for the phrase “What does ARC mean?” on Google or Twitter, I would have found so many answers.
Lost Socks and Other Lost Things

Despite his best efforts not to reveal a sliver of vulnerability. There was a flash of love in his dark, almond eyes. And I saw it.
Welcome to Hollywood, Part 2

Some people get bit by a creative bug early in their lives that keeps an inner flame lit from within, and for those who share this quality, sometimes you just need to see how it all gets made.
The Problem with Problematic

… depiction is not an endorsement, and flattening all media into "good" and "bad" and basing media consumption on morality would make an incredibly dull and even more ignorant world than we live in.
Talent Booker Emilie Laford Carries On a 50-Year Comedy Legacy

I don’t mind when people fail. If someone has a really good joke that failed, and they come back next week and they worked on it and it’s better, I can see that they saw the failure, and they know how to learn from it.
What You Should Know Before You "Write What You Know"

An excess of emotions can also mean that your ability to think clearly and logically about your script is impaired.
You Can't Win

I look at myself, where I'm at in my career, what I've achieved (or not achieved) so far, and I groan.
Interview: Shannon Hembree

Our stories reveal our humanity. They peel back the layers of the titles we hold—mom, aunt, etc.—and remind others that underneath those layers, we’re all just people.
Unleash Your Inner Director: Writing Graphic Novels vs. Screenplays

Too many writers jump into projects without knowing what their role is as an artist.
The Arts & NFTs: A Hellscape Primer

Enter: NFTs, the harbinger of the apocalypse, and purveyor of our late-stage capitalist modern hell.
I'm Not Looking Forward to the Oscars

Why is Oscar season, the time of year when Hollywood has to do nothing but laud themselves, wrought with such silliness, offensiveness, and controversy?
The Jimmy Cliff Apocalypse

It’s not that he had an outsized personality or strange traits; in most ways he was within the range of what you’d call normal. But there was really nothing normal about him.
Making a Meal of It

So much of what you adore when you read or watch is the result of an author, screenwriter, actor, director, stepping out onto a limb and offering you more.