All-American Asian: Finding My Place in Hollywood's Identity Politics

In recent years, as studios scramble to make up for decades of exclusion, I’ve witnessed a troubling trend: diversity has become a commodity, something to acquire and display rather than a reality to embrace.
The Exodus

Consider this my Emergency Service Announcement for Writers. Take it, leave it, or tell me to piss off, but someone needs to say it.
Behind the Screen: A Lifetime in the Cinema—The Story of the Gardena Cinema

... she is not the typical film nerd one expects at the helm of one of the last remaining family-owned movie palaces in the country.
Can "Cancel Culture" Be Kicked to the Curb?

Such decisions may get called out, but they are still artistic decisions and that’s where much of the slippery slope of Cancel Culture starts to poison all the water.
Hollywood Creatives Fundraising for Strike Funds: Where to Find Help if You Need It

Hot Labor Summer is all too real, so Hollywood's creatives are finding some, well, creative ways to raise money for strike funds.
Sex, Lies, and Solidarity

From what I was reading, it seemed like one could delete their Hinge, Bumble, Tinder, or Grindr account and find what they’re looking for on the picket lines.
Perfectly Ordinary: The Resistible Rise of the ChatBot

Programs like ChatGPT ... according to Noam Chomsky and others, are actually distracting us from the true goal of creating a technology that thinks.
Nepo-Baby or Nepo-Victim?

But here’s a trigger warning—nepotism is even more pervasive than you think. Nepotism is everywhere.
The Impact of Arts and Minds, the Bilingual Art Program Dedicated to People Living With Dementia and Their Carers

Arts and Minds provides an opportunity for genuine connection, unapologetic self-expression, and reflection.
The Art of Sports and the Sport of Arts

Did you catch that? “Mediocrity is … unacceptable.” And if this were the case, or the perception in 1873, how much more does this apply today?
Through Music, Israelis and Palestinians Fight for Equality

"Peace is not going to rain on us. Peace is something we have to make. We have to build it. It's going to take sacrifice."
Disability In Hollywood: How Advocates are Changing the Landscape

"I think this is an opportunity for people with disabilities and allies to demand better."
Righteous Violence

It's often hard to know who the "good guy" and the "bad guy" is, especially when both sides of a conflict are truly convinced of their own righteousness.
The Problem with Problematic

… depiction is not an endorsement, and flattening all media into "good" and "bad" and basing media consumption on morality would make an incredibly dull and even more ignorant world than we live in.