Twitter is a Dog from Hell

The way Bukowski has become seated in modern culture likely has a lot more to do with the audience's perceptions than the work itself.
30 is the New 60

As people get more of their news and information in shorter bursts, 30-minute series, be they comedies, dramas, or limited series, are becoming the rage.
Fund Your “Widget”: Film Financing in the Here and Now

Yes, I said it, repeat after me: you are ready for “money investors” when you can actually engage someone to invest in YOU.
You've All Lost Your Minds

You have not chosen an industry for the fully sane. The suit-and-tie-and-nylons-wearing-9-to-5-cubicle-dwelling-let's-go-to-happy-hour-and-have-some-laughs-on-a-Friday-night-but-be-home-by-10pm crowd is not your lifestyle choice. This is a job best handled by the slightly unbalanced.
Comedy vs. Dramedy - or the Illusive Dramedy

Choosing a genre can be an excruciating decision, made even more difficult if you don’t understand the difference between comedy and drama.
Artist Snapshot: Bianca Ursillo

What I’ve come to realize over the years is that you have to stop looking outside yourself for validation.
A Primer on Giving (and Receiving) Notes

A note is not a statement of enjoyment or dislike. A note is NOT your opinion.
When Your Brain Just Can't "Write Everyday"

"One of the key challenges of ADHD is task initiation. If I could do task initiation, if I could start the thing, it wouldn’t be a challenge, hence the advice to just 'initiate the task' is not helpful."
Your Perception is Not Reality

Suing and IP aside, would you want to work with people who share anything outside of the privacy of the room or film set? I know I wouldn’t.
You're Never Ready to Make a Movie, So Make One

Learning to trust and welcome other people's help is just another thing you'll pick up as you all struggle forward together ... You’ll all be afraid together, and you’ll all improve together along the journey.
The Great Reframe—How to Survive and Thrive Through Any Difficulty

The armor I’d built around me was pristine and impenetrable. It was also horribly lonely, and for a long time it helped me survive, but it had outlived its usefulness.
After Conquering Hollywood, Gary Goldstein Had a Novel Idea

“As an author [of a book], you have to be the camera. A script gets interpreted, but in a book, the words have to do all the work.”
I Can’t Afford Your Sandwich, But I’ll Post It On Insta

“It’s just a quick photo shoot,” they say. “It’s just a quick script.” ... I say it’s just a quick sandwich. And you pay for sandwiches.
Tough Choices and Following Your Dreams: Experiencing Siân Heder’s CODA

A significant challenge for many writers can be to center a story within a community that they, themselves, are not a part of. Siân Heder acknowledges the challenge and how she navigated it.
How to Engage More Critically With Work We Love From Faves That are Problematic

More than one thing can be true at once: you can deeply love and appreciate a piece of art, and deeply disagree with its creator or its impact.