Artist Snapshot: Lizz Marshall
It's okay if your creative flavor isn't for everyone, as long as you're telling your own truth—there is an audience that will respond to a genuine, well-told story.
Writing a Professional Bio So People Care to Read Your Work
Nailing your professional bio, and understanding that a single bio cannot rule them all, is an invaluable skill for every aspiring writer, filmmaker, director, and beyond.
How Movies from 1985 Can Help You Write Better Scripts
1985 gave us three such movies blending commerciality, narrative discipline, and daring—their scripts a marvel to behold.
The Doubt of Adaptation
The first pass was—traumatic. I was re-reading every single word of my novel, dissecting where I could have written it better, second-guessing so many things. I had to stop that critic in my head just so I could get the work done.
The Oceanographer and the Heroin Addict
I just wanted to write about a chick who’s into the ocean, then I mentioned heroin, and you judged me, and I went on an apologetic attempt that became infested with politics, doubt, and a lack of creative juice.
The Book of Jane
"Who am I to suggest such a thing? This fear, which affects every writer. Myself included. People think it doesn't affect those who are successful, but, of course, it does." - Jane Friedman
Crossing Over
I knew about 12 pt. Courier font, hiding exposition, keeping descriptions short ... but I had no idea how to write a middle grade memoir.
Writing is Research
“Doing good research” means doing more than parroting Twitter talking heads and Washington Post articles in a political drama.
Artist Snapshot: Jenna-Marie Warnecke
Your art is whatever you make or do in order to process the world and the incomprehensible experience of being alive in it. That's why it feels like work and also why it feels necessary.
The Power of Twitter for Screenwriters
From what I’ve experienced over the past year and some change, I believe screenwriting is a team sport.
Four Women-Written Albums That Revolutionized Music
Women have influenced music throughout history—if they’re excluded from the narrative, then we will never have a true understanding of humanity’s current place in the world.
What You Need To Know About Writing a Limited Series
This is a copycat industry—if something works, you can all but guarantee someone else is going to be right on your heels with the follow-up.
There’s No Crowdfunding Fairy and Also Santa Has Diabetes
We need stories, and we need stories like yours. And you must believe and trust in that to get people to donate.
Not-Boring Legal Agreements for Film & TV Writers
When your screenplay finally finds a buyer, you'll need legal advice. Ken Aguado shares insights into the legal agreements every screenwriter must know.
Interview: Jocelyn Rish
I’ve discovered that while an agent’s primary job is to sell books, their most important job is to keep their clients writing when we try to talk ourselves out of it.