Disability In Hollywood: How Advocates are Changing the Landscape

"I think this is an opportunity for people with disabilities and allies to demand better."
Big-Picture Ways to Think About Marketing Fiction: Analyzing One's Own Reading/Book Buying Habits

What I discovered was eye-opening at the curiosity level, but also valuable for my thinking and planning as a publisher, and for you as a writer or author.
When Endings Go Bad

Sticking the landing of a script is tricky. It can’t be too predictable, yet it needs to feel wholly appropriate, justifiable, and even inevitable in its way.
Why We're Doing Our Movie as a Play and Other Lessons in Rejecting Rejection

As the rejections racked up, we felt frustrated: How is no one seeing what we’re seeing? This is the right comedy for the right time ...
Righteous Violence

It's often hard to know who the "good guy" and the "bad guy" is, especially when both sides of a conflict are truly convinced of their own righteousness.
Big-Picture Ways to Think About Marketing Fiction: Unexpected Places Your Readers Spend Money

... in swapping stories with fellow small publishers and indie authors, I eventually happened upon the secret of the apple orchard.
I Kind of Don't Hate Revising Anymore

After three decades of dreading revision, writer and editor Erica Davis reveals how she came to kind of not hate revision since receiving her ADHD-Inattentive diagnosis.
Dear Diary: A Return to Journaling

It was an act of opening my heart in rebellion against total social isolation. It began as a personal exercise, an uncensored lovefest only I would see.
#AuthorsLife: The Unbearable Weight of Marketing on Social Media

I had to pause and think critically about how I’d gotten here, and where I wanted to go moving forward.
Big-Picture Ways to Think About Marketing: Vitamins, Spaghetti, and Ships

Throw them all out into the world as your time, energy, and budget allow and see what sticks—which methods, which messages, which audiences.
On Becoming the Myth

I took a pickaxe to the wall of the well and climbed out, slowly, to find the voice I always had but never listened to.
Not Your Typical Artist

The only thing that “proved” I was an artist was my desire to make art—but was that enough?
The Myth of Meritocracy

It’s probably too much to ask for Hollywood to ever be a real meritocracy. Nowhere in society does there exist a “real” meritocracy. All we can do is try to make things better for ourselves and for each other ...
Big-Picture Ways to Think About Marketing Fiction, Part 1

Where are these advance fans supposed to come from?
Making More of Metaphors

One has to hand it to a show like Severance as it’s not only chock full of metaphors about the dumbing down of America and the corruption of information sharing, but it's doing so on a platform run by those they are critiquing.