Not Based on True Events: Historical Inaccuracy in Hollywood

Hollywood exists for entertainment, and this often means facts get fudged in the name of keeping the crowd interested.
Get Back in the Room

For some, the crisis is over, and for others, it is not. Therefore, Zoom, if you must. But know that you’re doing so at your own professional peril.
The Fear That Freedom Can Bring

My mentality was "I’m a fucking great writer," though I had no proof of that. That was my first mistake.
Synesthesia: The Strangely Normal Way of Seeing the World

Francesca Brigandy’s synesthesia allows her to visualize sounds as colors when listening to music, giving her a unique polychrome perspective.
NEVER, EVER DO THIS: Gentle Advice for Eager Writers (Part 3)

Five more tips on how to not annoy your reader shall be yours. But listen well, because I'm only going to say this once ...
Something Writers Can Look Forward To ... No One Knows Anything

Nothing is certain, so why not take the risk and be as bold or unusual or as personal as we want to be in whatever we are creating?
Money, Money, Money

Sadly, the well-known quip about exposure not paying the bills is becoming truer every day. So, what can creative industries do to help writers feel more financially secure?
24 Hills I Will Die on if the View is Nice and I Have Enough Snacks

This article is long overdue in so many ways both literal and metaphorical, but it’s here now so shut your figgy pudding hole and enjoy this airing of grievances.
Get Back on the Mat

It’s scary to walk on the mat for the first time against an opponent taller and larger than you. And it’s scary to show people a story you’ve been obsessed with for weeks, months, and years on end.
Q&A: My 1-Year Crash Course in the Publishing Industry

Creating art is all about pushing boundaries and creators must push those same boundaries within themselves in order to be a conduit for that art.
10 End-of-Year Lists All Screenwriters Should Make

Remember, everything you learn and do becomes fuel for your writing.
Using Music to Boost Creativity

What’s the best music to mainline to your brain to propel you into that mental space?
Adapting a Screenplay Into a Graphic Novel: Shouting from the Rooftops

One of the hardest things about publishing is soliciting an audience. Unless you happen to be famous, you’re going to have to put in a lot of work.
Your Table is Ready

I braced myself for not much more than a gossip fest, where the only thing the piece offered was a former restaurant worker “dishing the dirt” on the celebrities and bigwigs he brushed shoulders with.
Time Is Indeed Running Out

Fear of change, fear of failure, fear of … success. All of it paralyzes emotional growth—and wastes time.