The Orgasm Box: A New Universal Model for Storytelling
It’s time for a new model ... a model that truly captures the essence of every story; a model with guts and heart and sex appeal and bitchin’ VFX!
Artist Snapshot: Nadia Osman
There is no end goal to reach. There is no mountaintop to climb and then you've "made it"—there are just more mountains.
Adapting a Screenplay Into a Graphic Novel: Directing on the Page
This is when things get real. You’re about to embark on the graphic novel equivalent of “Principal Photography.”
The Importance of Being Earnest (About Movies You Hate)
Forget pressure—it felt taboo to dislike anything.
How to Write an Ensemble Movie Script
An ensemble movie and its script must recognize why such an ensemble is needed and what’s at stake in such a story.
On Autopilot
The half-written page in front of my eyes turns to black and mocks me like a childhood bully who knows just the right pairing of words to scar me for an entire summer.
Evolution of a Writing Style
While genre might have a small place in defining a writer’s voice, there are so many other aspects that add to it.
Artist Snapshot: Mishki Vaccaro
As humans, we have a need to express ourselves. And at the most fundamental level, as artists, it's why we do what we do.
Building a Complex World in Simple Steps
Individual stories allow a range of writers to explore different topics and interests within the world, and also provides an easy point of entry for our audience.
Q&A: Do Not Neglect the Use of SOUNDS
If the backdoor suddenly SQUEAKS open and our protagonist turns around, but no one is there …
The Agony and Ecstasy of Switching Genres
I had preconceived notions about the genre, most of which were rather unfair.
Ever-Moving Goalposts
For the briefest of moments, I thought I’d made it. I was so proud of my achievements. Of course, the joy didn’t last forever.
Beware the Man That Thinks
She floats on her back in a stream, drowned and beautiful. If she leaped from the side of a ferry, we’ll never know. Snuffed seven days—
24 Hacks for Focusing on Writing
Erica Davis spills the beans on the quick and dirty hacks that help her focus when writing.